Growing Brains – new Adventures ahead

It has become quiet on our bornascientist blog recently. This is not because we value scicomm less, on the contrary: we are embarking on a new adventure!

I have always been fascinated by the developing brain, how it grows, learns and adapts. Working with children and families daily, it is our team’s mission to make neuroscience child’s play: fun, entertaining and understandable to all. I strongly believe in the value of science translation and I am extremely grateful to the SNSF Swiss National Science Foundation ‘s Agora Program for recognizing our efforts and supporting our project GROWING BRAINS which aims to generate awareness around children’s brain and behavioral development.

Together with Sabine Gysi and in collaboration with partners such as Science et CitéLife Science Zurich and the Cogito Foundation, we will combine elements of science outreach, co-creation and dialogue to further public knowledge about brain and behavioral development, pointing out the connections to relatable topics such as mental health, lifelong learning, or the mysteries of the teenage brain.

We believe providing entertaining means of communication and dialogue responds to the need for accessible knowledge which allows to deal with contemporary issues. After all, our brain is what truly makes us human, enabling us to solve complex problems within society. Super exciting to start this adventure!

The project is based on past and current work by our team. In a co-creation process, we will involve our future audience as well as various early and mid-career research scientists in dialogue events. As partof this initiative we even plan to develop a graphic novel! (Meaning hat lots of writing and drawing is ongoing)

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